Sunday, July 14, 2013

running with the bulls

The final running of the bulls at this year's festival in Spain was run on a short and very fast course ... just 850 meters, taking the fastest bull just 2 minutes and 16 seconds ... that's not much over 4 minutes a mile.  It's hard to imagine a winning strategy in this event - it's not just the fastest bulls you need to worry about.  I do wish all the runners the best of luck though.

PAMPLONA, Spain (AP) — An Australian woman has been injured in a goring in the final bull run of Spain's San Fermin festival, while four other runners sustained cuts and bruises.
A regional health official, Javier Sesma, says the 23-year-old woman was gored in the thorax and was hospitalized along with the other four.
The Australian, whose condition wasn't immediately released, was struck by a massive Miura bull as she clung to wooden barriers yards outside the bull ring entrance. Other runners got tossed by the bulls or fell as they ran.
Miuras are renowned as Spain's largest and fastest fighting bulls, and Sunday's run was quick, taking 2 minutes, 16 seconds to cover 928 yards (850 meters) from stables just outside Pamplona's medieval stone wall to the central bullring.

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